Sunday, October 18, 2009

Not a good start to the week...

It is 1:30 AM. I just finished my homework assignments due tonight, with 14 minutes to spare. Michael arrived home with a high fever that went up to 104.7. He is going to Jeanne's tomorrow (thanks Jeanne! :) ) and then probably back to the doctor unless he makes a miraculous recovery by tomorrow. I am exhausted and have 4 hours to sleep if I am lucky enough not to have it interrupted. I thought I would share part of my homework assignment with you. We were asked to give examples of defense mechanisms:

Right now, I am denying that it is truly 12 AM and that I have to get up for work in 4 and a half hours. I am also repressing the thought that my sick 2 year old will most likely be waking up every 30 minutes for the remainder of the evening and result in even less sleep. And I am most definitely repressing any thoughts of what my work day will be like tomorrow. And tomorrow, I will use reaction formation when I go into work, smiling and cheerful when really I will feel like putting my head down on my desk and whining because I know I will be awake for at least the next 14 hours and will probably have to take a trip to the pediatrician after work...well, maybe not whining, but at least taking a nice, long nap.

Let's hope that the professor has a good sense of humor. :)

1 comment:

Bill said...

Your professor has a wonderful sense of humor...Mostly, I just laugh at myself, and try not to never laugh at the expense of others. But...It's hard sometimes...

Dr. Attridge