Thursday, December 18, 2008

Good Morning, Poison Control!

So, apparently we are frequent flyers at the Poison Control Center. I wonder if they have reward points?

Nick woke up at 4:52 this morning, before I had the chance to get a shower. So I sent him downstairs to go play so I could get a quick shower. 5 minutes later I am out of the shower and Nick comes upstairs with a sticky film covering him telling me he needs to wash his hands. And I ask WHAT is all over him. He tells me toothpaste....and red medicine. But no, I am thinking, it can't be. That bottle is in the kitchen on a high shelf where he couldn't possible reach. But I go downstairs and discover that I am incorrect. With a chair and some good climbing, he certainly can reach it apparently. And apparently also can unscrew child proof caps. Seriously!?!??? At 4:59 in the morning!????

So visions of an ER trip started dancing though my head as I call Poison Control, again. Sandy, the nurse did some crazy math calculation to figure out what three quarters of a bottle of 4 oz Tylenol with about 5 teaspoons spilled on the counter could do do a 35 pound boy and....we are safe. I don't even mention that he also ate most of a tube of toothpaste, since I have already consulted them about this in the past and know that this won't make you seriously ill either if it's kid's toothpaste. She suggests a lock box. And I am wondering, for the medicine or for Nick?


1 comment:

Greta said...

I'm laughing loudly even though I know it is far from funny. A locked box for Nick is what made me burst into laughter. Isn't it amazing what they can do in 5 minutes!?!?!? I miss you Anne!!!!!!!!!!!!!