Hi there! :)
This will be my last entry for this blog, with the exception when I post a new site to match one that will be more appropriate for the boys and I on our new journey! For those of you I have talked to regularly, it will not be a surprise, but for the many others that I love and adore but have not been in regular contact, I am sure it will.
I am getting married in the beginning of June and the boys and I will be relocating about 40 minutes away to live with Chris and his darling daughter Cameron. We met at the Crayola factory with our kids and became friends and then more. Our kids are very excited and so are we!
I hate to even write this here but I want to write to be proactive in response to the very few comments I have received from a couple of people who have not been a big part of our lives over the past couple of years and may not understand this decision. I want to ward off any other well intentioned advice or concerns and leave you with the reassurance that Nicholas and Michael are my world. Every decision I have made since they have entered this world has been about their needs and what is good for them. I wish things with their father and worked out differently and there was no way that I could have known they wouldn't. No one else saw that one coming either. I loved baby daddy very much and if the opportunity to work that situation out had existed, I would have taken it.
I am not afraid to be alone and being a single mom is infinitely better than marrying someone who would not be a good match for the boys and I. I am hardly desperate to be married and find the idea that someone would believe that I would even consider doing anything that I had not seriously considered for the right reasons ludicrous. I have talked to friends and family, researched blended families, attended premarital counseling, and checked in with the boys constantly as we have moved towards this very happy transition. For those who have commented about my decision to take the "easy" way out, I would encourage you to read the research about remarriage and blended families. There is nothing easy about it. I appreciate your concern but, please, don't hate! ;)
Despite the challenges becoming a blended family will create, we are all very excited, committed, and optimistic about our future together and we know we will have tons of happy and exciting times as well! I will keep you up to date through our new blog and for those who are in the area, we will be having a BBQ in September to celebrate life and the serendipitous opportunities it can bring! :)
Much love from myself and the boys!!! :)